Monday, March 17, 2014

Across the Blog-o-sphere Favs | "5 Best & Worst Breakfast for Burning Belly Fat"


Does it seem obvious to anybody else that whoever the genius was to came up with this concept didn't have a day job that they were always rushing out the door to hurry up & sit in a 2 hour commute? ...oh & don't forget the handful of kids that also need to be accounted for! 

Call me crazy but if it were up to me, I wouldn't plop "the most important meal of the day" right at the busiest time of the day!  
But, here we stand, & the MIMotD IS at the busiest time of the day so what do we do?  

We grab the quickest & usually the least healthy options that may or may not be commute friendly but, hey at least we ate something right!?!

Well, I'm happy to say that I, personally, have found my own delicious (AND nutritious) solution to this breakfast dilemma in Shakeology

but I know many of you still prefer to nosh on some good solid sustance to get your days off to a good start so I thought I would share this little article, by personal trainer Traci D Mitchell, I came across in hopes of giving you a quick breakfast 101 cheat sheet of sorts.  
You know, the kind that helps you make "healthier" grab & go choices so our bellies don't rebel with that not-so-cute muffin top look ;)

So, here are the basics...


Rule #2:  Protein + Fats = GOOD
Low-Fat + High Refined Carbs = BAD

Top 5 BEST & WORST Belly Fat Burning Breakfasts:

1. 2 Eggs + Sliced Tomato + Sprouted English Muffin w/ Butter or Coconut Oil
2. Oatmeal + Whole Milk (or full fat coconut milk) + Walnuts + Blueberries + Cinnamon
3. Full Fat Yogurt + Cinnamon + 1/2 Green Apple + Almond Butter
4. Mini BLT Quinoa Cups
5. Strawberry Avocado Smoothie

1. Fruit Flavored Yogurt
2. Granola Based Cereals
3. Plain Ol' Bagels
4. 100% Fruit Smoothies
5. Waffles, Pancakes, Biscuits, Muffins & Scones

I don't know about you but I can totally admit that I have frequented both the BEST & WORST catagories in my breakfast history!  
Nowadays, (Yes, it's a word! Don't believe me? Go pick up Tony Horton's latest book!)  my breakfasts fall nicely into the BEST catagory which not only is my belly happy about but they all fit quite nicely into my current fitness & nutrition program, 21 Day FIX, which you may have heard me yappin about on social media!  
(Sidenote: If you haven't, I highly recommend you take a second to check it out! The workouts are only 30 minutes each but the Eating Plan... now THAT'S the money ticket!  It's quickly & completely changed my body and I feel amazing!)

So, before you face another sunrise, take a second to contemplate what you are fueling your body with at the start of each day.  Is what you're eating every morning helping you power thru the day with ease or are you riding a rollercoaster of sugar highs & lows?  

My suggestions...
1. Check out Shakeology, it's how I start everyday: here
2. Hop over & read Traci's complete article about the BEST & WORST: here
3. Do what you gotta do to get the most out of your body each day!  A little hint... that doesn't involved energy drinks & pre-packaged goodies ;)

Now I'm off to get my workout in & enjoy my Shakeology!


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