Friday, March 14, 2014

Health & Fitness Fav Five | Featuring: Michelle Brady (ME!)

Welcome to my Friday feature...
Health & Fitness Fav Five!

I will be featuring some of my fav bloggers fitness "fav fives" over the coming weeks but I figured I would kick it off by sharing my own!

1. Personal Development book: The Big Picture: 11 Laws That Will Change Your Life by Tony Horton
I'm huge on personal development & believe that spending at least 10 minutes a day on PD will completely change a persons life!  How could not!?!  There are so many amazing books out there, this one just happens to be what I'm currently reading!

2. Fitness & Nutrition program:  21 Day FIX with trainer Autumn Calabrese
21 Day FIX is the program I am currently working!  It is AH-MAAAAZING & is the first one I have used that nails the simplicity of both the fitness AND nutrition aspects!  The eating plan is MONEY people!... All you have to do is put your food in the color coded containers included with the program!  If it fits, you can eat it.  If it doesn't, save it for tomorrow!  Plus... wine & chocolate are actually included as part of the program! OH YA!!!

3. "Healthy" Snack: BOOM CHICKA POP. Need I say more!?!  Ok well I will... It's all natural, vegan, kosher, gluten free, ONLY 37 calories a cup!  I mean, come on now! Be forewarned though... you will likely eat the whole dang bag when you open it! I get mine at Target but I'm sure it's all over the place these days!

4. Nik-Nak: Ok so you know when you're killin' it in your workout & your mouth starts to get all cottony... ya well in addition to always having water on hand, I need a good lip balm to keep my lips from getting all cranky-crusty!  Right now I am loving my Dr. Rescue by Baby Lips!  It has a little exfoliation to it which I love!

5. At Home Must-Have: Yep! You got it!!! The stability ball is a necessity in my book!  It's not just for resting your laurels on either!  This baby can offer you a full body workout!  Best of all, if you dont have a lot of room to store it, just deflat that baby!  NO EXCUSES with one of these around!

Now for the fun stuff!!!  If you stuck around long enough to get to this point, you're gonna be STOKED!!!
I'm going a giveaway!!!
Now, while I wish I was able to give away all five of the items, I am not independently wealthy (YET!) so that's just not gonna happen right now lol
I am giving away 4 of the 5, which in my opinion still ROCKS!!!

Giveway runs NOW thru Sunday the 16th at midnite!
***Be sure to comment below for each entry so I can verify it!

(Please note, this giveaway is not open to Beachbody coaches.  Thank you for your understanding.)

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