Thursday, March 6, 2014

The 21 Day FIX | Weight-loss Challenge

Nine days ago I started a new chapter in my fitness journey with Beachbody's latest program, The 21 Day FIX!  I have done & loved their T25 & P90X3 programs because let's just be honest, anything I can get done in 30 minutes is golden to me!  Anything longer than that just makes my fitness ADD kick in! lol

Like most people who get going on their own health & fitness journeys, I have been making an effort to eat "healthy" foods & stay away from the obviously evil (but oh so good) foods as much as possible.  Knowing what & how I should eat just hasn't been enough to keep me on track with the nutrition part.  Now don't get  me wrong, all of Beachbody's fitness programs come with amazing nutrition programs but for me, they've just left too much room for squirreling & laziness which ultimately just doesn't work!  

Everything you need to lose weight. 
Simply and quickly.

What had me excited about The 21 Day FIX was the new eating program that the FIX's trainer, Autumn Calabrese, had put together as a part of it.  It's a simple, no calorie counting, portion controlled system that uses cute little colored containers to help you keep track of what & how much you are supposed to be eating!  Pretty cool right!?!  
Oh, & PS... you get to have wine & chocolate on this program (and I have!)

The eating plan booklet includes everything you need to know to successfully be able to customize the program to your life & goals.  In addition to a complete list of foods associated with each color coded container, there are tons of meal ideas & recipes to sweeten the deal! 
Here is what one of my dinners from week 1 looked like & the corresponding containers.  You can see I am NOT going hungry on this program!

You are allowed 6 cheats/treats/zings(as the program calls them) a week & this includes, wine, chocolate, cookies, etc!  
I made the Oatmeal Cookies with Chocolate Morsels & Toasted Pecans for one of my "zings"... SO yummy!  Best part is that 2 cookies only counted as 1 of my yellow containers for the day!
(I had already eaten 1 of the cookies before I thought to take a pic! lol)

Ok, so I know all this is good & well but what you REALLY want to know is does this work!?! How well can working out just 30 minutes a day, eating 6 meals a day & being able to still have wine & treats truly work!?!

Well, I am ridiculously excited to share that after just 7 days on the program, I had lost 10 pounds & 2 1/2"!  Whaaat!?!  It's bananas I know!  But like I said, the eating plan is EVERYTHING!!!  Just cutting all the extra crap, extra portions, etc out makes such a HUGE difference in how our bodies are able to regulate.  They simply function more efficiently when we're not loading them down with CRUD!!!

I would love for you all to come follow along with the rest of my 21 Day FIX journey on my other social media avenues if you like:
The BOOM Brigade team website:
FOLLOW on instagram: iammama_b

But even more so, if you are looking something to take control of your health & fitness, I would like to invite you to join one of my upcoming 21 Day FIX Challenges!
These groups are invaluable when it comes to support & staying accountable to the program!  

To register for an upcoming group & to get YOUR 21 Day FIX on, simply fill out the application below & we will get you started!

So, I ask you... 

21 Day FIX Challenge Registration

Please complete this form in it's entirety to add your name to our waiting list. We start new 21 Day Fix Challenge Groups each month. You will be notified once we receive your Registration Form.
* indicates required

Which date works best for you to start?

How much weight would you like to lose in 21 Days?
Are you?*
Would you like info on receiving a 25% discount?
Email Format

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