Monday, March 10, 2014

Confessions of a Naughtly 21 Day FIXer...

OK so today is Day 13 in my 21 Day FIX journey... but I have a little confession to make!  I was a naughty girl over the weekend!

This weekend I headed out to Arizona for a little birthday/Spring Training adventure to see my favorite Boys in Blue! 

While I had EVERY intention of being good, (I packed my containers, my coconut oil, Shakeology, & workouts) it just was way too easy to NOT do what I know I should've! (hanging head in shame)  

Now, I wasnt completely horrible!  Breakfast both days fit nicely into the plan, Shakeology made it's appearance for my snack but once I hit the baseball stadiums, all bets were off!  Well, wait.... does throwing away half of the hotdog bun count?  Because I DID do that! ;)  

AND I must at least give props to the fact that while everywhere I went the french fries were calling my name, seeeeriously, it's like I could hear them literally calling my name... I just kept walking & not ONE fry passed these lips! #BOOM

So, like many people, the guilt immediately set in as I hit the road for home!  The usual self abuse of "REALLY!?! How could you have blown this! It's only 21 days!" was pulsing through my head the whole way home!  

HOWEVER... this is where the genius comes in!  I could give up. I could talk my way out of this with excuses. & I certainly could just say "Ah, I'll just start again"  but like Autumn says, "If you're tired of starting over, stop quitting!"  So, this girl is not quitting!  It was only 2 days!  2 CHEAT days does not a failure make!  

I woke up today even more determined (& a lot sunburned from the weekend) and got right back on the horse!  
Eating plan... NAILED IT!  
Workouts... Started doubles today instead of Wednesday to make up for the lost weekend!

I'm excited about the next 8 days & what they hold in store!  My birthday is Wednesday, & I even have my eating plan laid out for that day, including sushi for dinner (it's on the meal plan!).  

It's SO amazing to have a fitness & nutrition program to follow as a way to not only keep on track but to get back on track after an inevitable CHEAT day (or weekend)! ;)

Stay tuned for more updates this week!  
Tomorrow I am going to "21 Day FIX Your Meal"...

***If you would like to find out more about The 21 Day FIX fitness & nutrition program or sign up to be a part of my next 21 Day FIX group, follow this link & fill out the questionaire at the bottom!


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