Thursday, April 17, 2014

Have You Ever Wondered WHAT a Beachbody Coach Is?

Do any of these sound familiar???

* What is a Beachbody coach & what do they do?
* I'm not in good enough shape to be a Beachbody coach!
* Gosh I hate my "9 to 5" job!
* How much does it "cost"?
* Is this a pyramid scheme?
* Boy do I wish I had more flexibility & time to spend with my family!
* Do I need to be a certified trainer & nutritionist?

If any of these thoughts or questions have ever run thru you head,  I would like to officially invite you to join one of my team online "5-Day Sneak Peek" sessions!!!

Learn how you can...

* Be your own boss
* Choose your co-workers
* Make your own schedule
* Change peoples lives
* Make $$$
* Be a part of ending the trend of obesity
* Surround yourself with a community of people who want YOU to succeed
* Get paid to get fit

These online SNEAK PEEKS are totally FREE & there is NO obligation!  
It's just a way for me to share
WHY I love it
& help you see whether it's something that would be right for YOU!

I run a online SNEAK PEEK session twice a month so just drop me an email 
with the subject line, "SNEAK PEEK" 
& I will get you added to our next session!

 I'm super stoked to share with you what this amazing "job" is that I get to wake up & live each day!!! 

* IF... you are ready to jump right in & become a Beachbody coach today,
& welcome to the family


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