Wednesday, March 26, 2014

FIT TIP: Think Yourself Thin

"It's all in your head"
I used to loath when my father would repeated say that to me as a child, & even still to this day!
But, much to my thirteen year old self's dismay, I've got news for you...
"It's ALL in your head!"

Living a healthy & fit lifestyle IS truly a mind game!  
At least for the most part.

Once we have our heads straight & BELIEVE in our goals
it's so much easier to actually ACHIEVE them!

How do we do that?
Daily affirmations!

I know that may sound cheeseball but believe me it works...
So "say it like you mean it"....
(as many times as you need to)

Once you achieve pro-status with that,
here are some other fun little "mind games" you can use
to keep inching your way towards your goals!

Baby steps people... baby steps! ;)


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