Monday, May 12, 2014

Come On Get Happy...

Gooood Morning my Sunshines!!!

Let's face it...
Not all of us wake up with rainbows & unicorns dancing around in our heads!

For most of us, mornings start off at a hurried pace & it's so easy to let those grumpies take the wheel. Well, I just want to quickly share with you a few of MY (mostly) never fail ways to make sure that when I roll outta bed in the AM, I'm rolling out in my happy place!

1. SMILE: 

 ...Seriously!!!  I read this tip somewhere years ago & had the same response that you're probably having now which was "YA RIGHT!", with a classic eyeroll! Well, I tried it & I'm happy to report it actually works! Not just any ol' smile. A full-on, genuine, face scrunching smile!  Like even before you even open your eye peepers, get that smile happening.  It's like giving your brain a morning fake out before it can figure out what it's actually feeling! #fakeittilyoumakeitbaby


Sun salutations are the PERFECT wake me up, pick me up, get my blood pumping morning routine!
Whether you roll outta bed & just make your way thru, saaaay... 3 sets or maybe you spend 10-15 minutes waking up your mind & body with them, I promise you, it will be time well spent & you will feel so much better about moving on with your day!


Who wouldn't get happy from having a banana split for breakfast, right!?!
When I first started the 21 Day FIX, I was trying to come up with different breakfast ideas that worked for me & this stroke of brilliance hit me!
The breakfast banana split!!!
Just the thought of being able to answer somebody who asks what I had for breakfast with "I had a banana split" gets me giggley!
This banana split is quick, healthy & yummy!

All you need is:
1/2 banana
6oz greek yogurt
1oz sunflower seeds (or chia, flaxseeds, pecans, something along those lines but NOT peanuts)
1 packet of Stevia (optional)
& I of course HAVE to add my (frozen) cherry on top!

So go ahead... have fun with your breakfast!

Well... those are my 3 quick tips for starting your day off HAPPY!  
If it's one of those days & you still need a little extra sumptin'-sumptin'... 
go ahead & clap-a-long to this one!


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